Tools and Assessments.
Illumina’s have certified practitioners and accredited facilitators of several key diagnostic tools and communication processes.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a tool to enrich people’s understanding of themselves and others.
By developing a clearer sense of self-awareness and awareness of others, you’re able to better frame decisions, reduce miscommunication, appreciate and respect differences and understand personal needs more effectively.

- Team Development
- Leadership Development
- Executive Coaching
- Organisational Change
- Talent Retention
- Conflict Management
- Change management
- Communication
- Career Exploration
Strengths Profile
Strengths Profile is a world-leading strengths tool that changes the way we assess, develop and leverage talent in people.

The Strengths Profile tool is unique and distinct from traditional one-dimensional strengths tests, assessing 60 strengths across three dimensions of energy, performance and use.
The tool distributes the data across four quadrants:
- Realised Strengths are the things they find energising, perform well, and use often
- Learned Behaviours are the things they have learned to do well, yet do not energise them
- Weaknesses are the things they find it hard to do well and find draining
- Unrealised Strengths are the things they find energising and perform well, yet don’t use so often
The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test – As an emotional intelligence measurement and development psychometric tool, the MSCEIT is an abilities – based test, measuring real emotional intelligence skill.
The test measures emotional intelligence, and predicts leadership, interpersonal communication and performance.

Based on scenarios typical of everyday life, the MSCEIT measures how well people perform tasks and solve emotional problems, rather than having them provide their own subjective assessment of their emotional skills.
Skills tested include the ability to:
- Identify emotions expressed in a face
- Create feelings that can help solve problems, communicate a vision or lead people
- Predict how someone will react emotionally
- Enhance decision making by integrating thought and emotion
- Communication
Institute of Executive Coaching & Leadership
Fully accredited Executive Coach

The Level 1 Coaching Certification program
The foundation skills of an organisational coach, including the models and structures that provide a robust process for high performance coaching sessions that get results.
The Level 2 Coaching Program
How to create a true coaching dialogue. In turn, this allows you to “listen for what is not said”, and will help your clients make meaning of any situation.
IECL’s Level 3 Organisational Coach Training Program
The skills and meta skills required to coach skillfully and comfortably at senior executive levels. In Level 3 Coaching you learn Narrative Coaching and how to coach for authentic leadership.
Human Synergistics
The Human Synergistics suite of diagnostic tools can help you measure and develop every level of your organisation, from your overall organisational culture through to individual styles, team dynamics and leadership strategies.

These include:
- Life Styles inventory (LSI)
- Leadership Impact (LI)
- Group Style Inventory (GSI)
- Organisational Culture Inventory (OCI)
Fierce Conversations

Fierce Conversations is a highly interactive, hands-on learning experience that will transform both your personal and professional relationships.
It is built upon 3 Transformational Ideas and 7 Principles that lay a strong foundation for understanding how to interrogate reality, provoke learning, tackle challenges and enrich relationships. You will learn four key conversational models: team, delegation, coaching and confrontation
We can also draw on and use:
- EQi-360
- Genos Emotional Intelligence
- Situational Leadership
- Patrick Lencioni’s '5 Dysfunctions of a Team'
- 4MAT System
- Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
- Dr Clare Graves Spiral Dynamics
- Daniel Pink’s Motivational model – Drive
Get in Touch.